I'm linking to another blog I found, via the blogs suggested by Blogspot when we log in. There are some absolutely amazing pictures which we will not see in the newscasts we get on telly. The blog is here: http://dancingwithkatrina.blogspot.com/ ... Pictures of Katrina's devastation in the USA. Don't even get me started about how badly this was handled by the USA Government!
Somehow, even if we got bombarded by the media, like they love doing, to the point of desensitising us I always feel we're not seeing everything, and sometimes, we don't really "see" it like it's another tv show, and not news. With shows such as CSI, L&O and the like, looking at corpses, mutilations, etc... Yeah, I know, it's "Hollywood" but still... I think deep down inside this is having an impact on how we see things in the "Real" world... So yes, we saw Katrina pictures on the news, but seeing the pictures from the blog, taken by real people, on the ground there, taking pictures of other real people, dealing with a very real reality... it sinks in better than on the "box". So that's why I think that blog is worthy of mention here.
I wanted/needed to tell someone about those images, and DH is out at the moment. So hopefully you will get something out of them too...
As an aside, I couldn't help bursting out laughing, a moment ago, when I realised I had put on my jumper (sweater for non-Aussies) inside out. I went to school this morning to drop off the girls, talked to some parents, and came back home, and never realised my top was on inside out! .... yeah, it's a very small problem...